A very crucial principle of productivity is that for one to get things done, they must first focus on it. This means that all distractions on the side will have to be eliminated – as much as possible. This is particularly difficult for work at home entrepreneurs and contractors working on the internet because it is difficult to separate work life from home life.
However, it is possible to block all these distractions and focus on work at specific work times. Here are 5 great ways to achieve this.
a) Log off Facebook, twitter and email
Facebook, Twitter and personal email as well as Instant Messaging applications are the most common causes of distraction. Although these tools are great to stay in touch and at times even great to use for business, they can be bad interruptions when you are trying to give work your best. When you are working, it is advisable that you log off them and allocate time, preferably at the end of the day or during your breaks, when you can get updated on what you missed while you were working
b) Use headphones
Most people work well when they are listening to a particular genre of music, some people work better in silence. When working at home, especially if you have a family with pets around the house, noises, laughter and all kinds of sounds from outside the house are likely to distract you. Using headphones will help you block these noises and concentrate more on your work. Remember, having the TV sound in the background is never such a good idea because it is not uniform and every once in a while something may come up that will turn your head.
c) Clear the clutter
Make sure that your workspace and the computer are well organized and all the distracting clutter tucked away. As a work at home entrepreneur, your workspace is the closest you will come to having an office. This means sorting out the cables, putting the piles of papers in files or boxes and putting them away and putting everything you do not need to work away. It is better to have a clean empty desk than a well arranged but too full a desk.
d) Handle interruptions
Interruptions cease being interruptions when you are not working. For instance, if a friend calls and wants to hang out because he or she knows you are home all the time, it is a distraction when they call when you are working but a good thing outside work hours. You must have fun, go online and socialize and respond to emails. But all these should have their allocated times.
e) Have a schedule
Maintaining a regular schedule is the best way to deal with interruptions for work at home contractors and entrepreneurs. A regular schedule means that family members, friends and even pets will get accustomed to when you do not want to be disturbed and when you are available for home life. A regular schedule also helps you get in the mood for work at the right times and you will be able to get a lot done in a short time.